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Hair transplant has remained the most searched term on the internet globally.
Since 2017 there has been a massive (43.3%) increase in the search volume for “hair transplant” via google search.
Last Year, Google registered more than 10000000+ hits for the keyword “Hair Transplant.
And if you are reading this, we bet you were one of these (searching hair fall treatments on Google).
Why are we telling you this?
It’s a no-brainer that a hair transplant offers permanent & natural-looking hair with trivial intricacy.
And Ever since hair transplants came into existence, patients and doctors have been making it their primary consideration globally.
India – taking the lead.
With a drastic shift in the global order, India(BHARAT) is rising like a star and becoming a hot destination for people looking to undergo hair transplant?
However, a handful of institutions in India are devotedly serving patients with hair problems and delivering results that beat the benchmark.
BHH is one such proud setup fulfilling the revolutionary transformation in the Country.
We have always placed our highest endeavour and kept pushing limits. We are the trailblazer of the new age hair transplant service in India.
The Year 2022 remains no different but extraordinary. This Year, we are delighted to announce our newly established venture = Hair Mate: a hair transplant clinic in Delhi.
Ahem! ( WoW, WHAT?)
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