Why GFC Therapy Is Getting Popular As Compared To PRP Therapy For Hair Loss Treatment ?

What reason for Hair loss? &Available Treatments 

Hair loss is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. There are various reasons for hair loss, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, and medical conditions. To combat hair loss, there are various treatments available, including PRP therapy and GFC therapy. In recent years, GFC therapy has become increasingly popular compared to PRP therapy. In this article, we will discuss why GFC therapy is getting popular for hair loss treatment.

GFC therapy, also known as Growth Factor Concentrate therapy, is a treatment that uses the patient’s own growth factors to promote hair growth. The treatment involves the extraction of growth factors from the patient’s blood, which is then concentrated and re-injected into the scalp. This therapy stimulates hair follicles, promoting the growth of new hair.
One of the reasons for the popularity of GFC therapy is its effectiveness. GFC therapy has been shown to be effective in promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss. The treatment has also been found to be effective in restoring hair density and thickness. The results of GFC therapy are long-lasting, providing patients with a more permanent solution to their hair loss.


GFC therapy is safe?

Another reason why GFC therapy is becoming popular is its safety. Unlike other treatments that use synthetic products, GFC therapy uses the patient’s own growth factors, reducing the risk of adverse reactions. The therapy is also non-invasive and does not involve surgery, making it a safer option for people who are not comfortable with invasive procedures.

GFC therapy is also more convenient compared to PRP therapy. PRP therapy involves multiple treatments, which can be time-consuming and costly. On the other hand, GFC therapy typically involves only one treatment, making it more convenient for patients. The treatment is also less painful compared to PRP therapy, making it a more comfortable option for people who are sensitive to pain.


Why GFC therapy is becoming increasingly popular for hair loss treatment?


In conclusion, GFC therapy is becoming increasingly popular for hair loss treatment due to its effectiveness, safety, and convenience. The treatment uses the patient’s own growth factors, reducing the risk of adverse reactions, and providing a long-lasting solution to hair loss. If you are considering a hair loss treatment, it is worth considering GFC therapy as a safe and effective option.


A Natural Hair Transplant Result From Delhi


Name – Sumit
Place – Delhi
Clinic – HairMate Clinic Delhi
Method – FUE
Grafts – 3000


Before Surgery

The Patient was suffering from Male Pattern Baldness.



Hairline Marking 

It’s a pre-surgery stage where the surgeon marks the borderlines to ensure that transplanted hair looks natural.









Trimming Scalp

Hair is trimmed and the scalp is made clean so the surgeon could easily pick and place grafts to the respective spaces.





The surgery was completed successfully. One with experience could tell that these grafts are implanted craft-fully.






1st Months Post Surgery





2nd Months Post Surgery






4th Months Post Surgery





5th Months Post Surgery

It’s no magic. It is a true event. The more convincing part is his naturally designed hairline.


7th Months Post Surgery







8th Months Post Surgery

A natural-looking youthful frontal hairline is ready in just 8th months post-surgery.







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